通过PG电子平台的医疗辅助项目,在短短9个月内走上医疗保健行业的职业道路.* Designed with your career goals in mind, PG电子平台的医疗辅助文凭课程可以帮助你在公共或私人执业医疗保健行业的入门级职业生涯做好准备.
医疗助理在医生办公室的日常工作中起着至关重要的作用, 诊所 和 healthcare facilities. As important members of a healthcare team, they help doctors 和 nurses perform their daily tasks more efficiently. 医务助理也可以通过收集接收表格作为与病人的第一个接触点, taking samples or even performing initial point-of-care testing.
In addition to the patient interactions, 你可能负责行政工作,包括存档医疗记录, 安排预约, h和ling patient billing 和 insurance claims, preparing examination rooms, recording vital information, maintaining inventory 和 ordering supplies. 在很多情况下, 你将向医生或护士报告,并处理与办公室或部门的联系. 专门办事处的医疗助理可能有针对该领域的额外职责.
16% growth forecast from 2021 through 2031
快得多 than the average for all occupations
婴儿潮人口老龄化的增长将继续增加对预防性医疗服务的需求, which are often provided by physicians. 结果是, 医生将雇用更多的助理来执行日常的行政和临床职责, allowing the physicians to see more patients.
来源: http://www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/medical-assistants.htm
自2004年2月以来,PG电子游戏一直欢迎休斯顿的大学生来到PG电子游戏的绿点校区. Our academic environment is accented by vibrant colors & plants that give life to the 校园. We can also help give new life to your dreams & 还有目标. 如果你准备好学习 & 决心成功, our Houston college staff can provide you with valuable assistance, 而PG电子游戏经验丰富的导师可以为您提供以职业为重点的灵感.
雇主和社区领袖定期向PG电子游戏的北休斯顿学院提供反馈. Their involvement helps to enhance our programs, ensure their relevance in the local job market, 和 make sure we’re on track toward helping you succeed as a student.
医疗辅助文凭课程提供行政和临床程序方面的培训. 该计划的目标是为毕业生在临床或行政工作中担任医疗助理的入门级职位做好准备, to include insurance billing clerks, 医疗记帐员, 实验室技术员, or medical receptionist in work locations such as 医院, 诊所, 养老院, 家庭健康机构.
Program completion normally requires 9 months.* 该项目分为9个月的学习期(模块),包括8个月的课堂和实验指导和1个实习期. 课堂和实验室教学可以在学生宿舍进行,也可以通过远程教育进行.e.、在线). In order to be eligible for the externship period, 学生必须在学习期间成功完成所有课程,并且必须获得最低累积GPA为2.0.
Upon successful completion of all areas of this Program, graduates will be awarded a Diploma in 医疗协助.
根据美国劳工统计局, “婴儿潮人口老龄化的增长将继续增加对预防性医疗服务的需求, which are often provided by physicians. 结果是, 医生将雇用更多的助理来执行日常的行政和临床职责, allowing the physicians to see more patients."
医疗助理可以在许多医疗机构找到工作, including private practices, 医院, 诊所, 医生组, 养老院, 家庭健康机构. 医疗助理通常专攻行政协助或临床协助. Career possibilities include, but are not limited to, the following: